Sunday, February 3, 2013

February Calendar

*grumble grumble* too much real world drama lately >.<  

Anyways, it is February now right? So time for a new calendar :)

I did a loose calendar grid & the month with a white Prismacolor pencil (which works almost as well as a crayon for a resist effect & you can get a finer line!) before I made a watercolour rainbow.

After it dried, I added the squares for the days and some hearts in white watercolour & the white Prismacolour pencil again. And some colourful heart stickers I found.  I do wish I had remembered to ink the edges of the squares, but I still like this one a lot. :)

I usually try to stay a few months ahead.. but it is already February & I haven't even started the one for March yet- don't even have an idea in mind. o.O Oh dear. lol


  1. Such a lovely virbrant page for February.

  2. Gorgeously colored background. Both the background and the blocks contrast so nicely to make both pop and compliment.

  3. I love what you did here. The prismacolor pencils is a great idea- must remember that! I also like the sakura glaze pens. I'm thinking I might need to get ahead myself- every month it is a great scramble to get my page done, and very stressful too rather than fun. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'll stop rambling now. Hugs, Laura
